tenda Health

Diabetes and Stroke Self Management Made Easy

Sunday dose of humor: Diabetes and Stroke jokes

There are many people who are ignorant, misinformed, and insensitive. Everything and everyone is subjected to jokes and comments; it’s just a part of life, and you learn to roll with the punches. However, in comparison to other illnesses and diseases, I’ve found that stroke and diabetes frequently becomes the brunt of jokes or is exploited to make others laugh. Consequently, one is socially acceptable and a benefit of in-group status, while the other can be considered offensive. Consider the following witty jokes and humor.

What do you call a black man who dies of heat exhaustion and a white guy that dies of a brain aneurysm?

Different Strokes

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Life is a lot like a game of golf…

Too many strokes and you loose.

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My grandmother recently had 2 strokes

Best golf game of her life

Q: What do you call a rock band with heart disease?

A: The Strokes

Consider the fact that there are true-to-life jokes that can bring down regimes, as well as jokes that can make just about anyone  laugh. Many of the jokes and puns about  stroke and diabetes are meant to be  entertaining, but some can be hurtful. We  strive to minimize jokes that go too far, are cruel, or racist, and it would be fantastic if we all become aware and  notify each other  when a joke becomes  bullying  or  inappropriate.

All I’m saying is that stroke and diabetes aren’t jokes to me; they’re significant problems that last a lifelong. People need a lot more education and awareness, in my opinion, to properly comprehend the difference between genuine humor and insensitive statements.

I repeat some of the dirty-wit and dark jokes are funny, but use them with caution in real life. Before telling a joke try to asses situation and remember funny jokes you’ve never had to tell your friends but would have made you laugh!

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